Show HN: I curated 500 YouTube daily surfing videos, organised by date and break

4 points by 200_OK 7 hours ago

I built this site just because I wanted it to exist. I'm a keen surfer who lives near one of the worlds surfing epicenters; the Gold Coast, Australia. Getting home from a surf I'd often get excited seeing videos on YouTube of the breaks and waves I'd surfed that day. There's hundreds of these daily surf videos on YouTube and I thought it would be good to document and organise them like a historical archive.

The volume of videos posted tends to peak when significant swells arrive so I think I could build some interesting visualisations and maps in the future. I also want to add some kind of community tagging feature so that you can tag which days and breaks you surfed and create a personal diary.

If you also surf and enjoy surf videos let me know what you think.