wumeow 40 minutes ago


  • Phrodo_00 26 minutes ago

    Both games only really ripped off Nintendo's aesthetics, with not that much similarity in gameplay.

  • minebreaker 21 minutes ago

    Genshin and Breath of the Wild are targeting entirely different audiences, and I don't think Palworld has ripped off Pokemon (yet).

    Besides, I agree that Nintendo is behaving badly.

  • tourmalinetaco 11 minutes ago

    Pokemon ripped off Dragon Quest and made billions. Must be a little discouraging for Square Enix. And that’s not even getting into the recent Ryujinx murder.

  • fhfhfhjfnfnfmf 24 minutes ago

    Spoken like someone who’s never played Pokemon nor Palworld.

  • talldayo 37 minutes ago

    I just feel so bad for the multi-billion dollar corporation that refuses to publish it's IP to third-party platforms thereby deliberately creating demand for the style of titles they publish.

    My Switch got a lot of mileage, but you won't catch me dead going up to-bat for Nintendo's overall business strategy. The best thing I can say about them is that they don't kill their own studios like Sony and Microsoft, which really isn't much of a compliment. In the case of Game Freak, maybe killing off a studio would be the right way to embrace the future. After all, PalWorld wouldn't be popular if Nintendo was offering a superior and competitive product in the same segment.

    • Onavo 31 minutes ago

      Not to mention their constant lawsuits against emulator platforms