Show HN: Enter Topic, YouTube URL, PDF, or Text to Get a PPT in Seconds

2 points by theindianappguy 5 hours ago

It have taken 1 year 6 months to reach here, a lot of iteration went through here are the top features i am proud of

1. Create PPT from any content type 2. Slide with AI, not only full presentation you can make individual slides 3. Use any PPT as template, just provide a pptx file + topic/text and we will update all text perfectly 4. Chat to Edit - this is recent but it works as you can just say "Add 1 slide about ___" and it will do that we are working on improving the UX for this you can experience this in the presentation generated page 5. We have 100+ language support 6. We have google data, google images support

I am grateful to say 1000s of people are using every day, i invite you all to give it a try it is free for first 3 presentation.