IECore is a cross-platform library for Linux, Windows, and macOS that leverages ImGui as its user interface. It serves as the core framework for all Interactive Echoes (IE) applications, offering a plug-and-play setup with pre-configured entry points, making it simple to start developping C++ applications.
IECore is a cross-platform library for Linux, Windows, and macOS that leverages ImGui as its user interface. It serves as the core framework for all Interactive Echoes (IE) applications, offering a plug-and-play setup with pre-configured entry points, making it simple to start developping C++ applications.
Before reading the GH page, I was going to say "wouldn't TridentCore be a more appropriate name?".
But I think IECore is a name that will be associated with MSIE before a 'Interactive Echoes'. A name change may be something to think about.
I was thinking the same thing. Especially with Microsoft's penchant for naming things "Core" (lol)
So it's not Internet Explorer core library for Linux, Windows and MacOS.
Dang it!