MountainMan1312 a day ago

Not even a single 2 weeks. It is, quite literally, paycheck to paycheck. 5 working people across 2 houses with no non-working people and can just barely survive. The parasites have achieved their goal. We have been reduced to making just enough to eat enough to make it to work tomorrow.

  • trod1234 19 hours ago

    In other words real slavery but without a clear boss or master that can be removed.

    With no leader to target, you have to raze the associated systems to the ground, which would be almost everything to correct systemic issues, which is likely what happened during the bronze age collapse.

    In anthropology these type of circumstances are often called a disadvantaged environments.

    Anytime you have slavery, and the torture that naturally comes with it, people break, in one of two ways. They stop having children. They don't work to their fullest, they let it rot.

    They disassociate, becoming indifferent, non-responsive, complacent, apathetic, or they become psychotic crazed and violent risking their own annihilation for a better life which in most cases is just their own annihilation and not the latter. This latter having occurred quite often in history as revolution.

    The only problem today is, without secure communication you can't organize, and the strength of an individual is at its most when they are in a pack or group of like-minded goal oriented individuals.

    Lone wolfs have no strength, they are weak, and communication is and has been being strategically denied to all people without their knowledge or recognition through the technology they have become dependent upon.

    Most presume that communications today are reliable and secure, and that is categorically false. It is a felony for each incident of lawbreaking applied arbitrarily, but enforcement is always after-the-fact and there not good odds for any type of justice especially when it can be plausibly denied as a hardware or software issue. You generally don't see government employees being brought up on felony wiretap charges for failing to get a warrant. The evidence they collected is often just excluded, whereas anyone else outside that sector doing the same would definitely be charged assuming they aren't Google.

    Stingray technology is quite old now and it has allowed arbitrary communicaiton interference (AitM), where the target may not be able to perceive its happening in real time. If you happen to be above average intelligence, often you find clusters of these people having issues with their communications on platforms, being intentionally isolated, and driven crazy through common torture practice.

    Castaway's Wilson behavior is a real thing which few rarely fully recover from even afterwards.

    There are very dark times ahead because when any system goes off its rails, its needs to be corrected to benefit those capable of rationality. Reason is the light that separates us from animals, and when psychological stress is imposed degrading us to nothing better than animals something has to give. Whether that ends up being annihilation from cascading failures, or razing the system to create a better one, is left for future generations to decide.

    There's a very good chance that all the existential risk that's accumulated from kicking the can down the road will all land at once at the same time. You can't correct something that you cannot react to.